BILAT team discussion on the best sign language to use so that it can be understable to all levels of deaf people in towns and villages.
Deaf group from Kigoma who were so glad after receiving DVDs in sign language so that they can understand Scripture.

Shaban is a 7 year old boy who is isolated within his own family. No one cares or understands his language. He smiled after receiving a bottle of Fanta.
Parents are asking for a sponsor as they are poor and they can't afford to take him to deaf schools which are far from their village.
Anyone who can support him, kindly contant us through:
+255757142017 (SMS only)
Evangelist Oscar Mwakampya visited Kigoma and was able to preach. He also visited many deaf people at their work place.
This deaf lady, Machozi, was one of the deaf who Ev. Oscar visited.